Leap Year Proposal
2020 is a Leap Year! Bridal Expos Melbourne brings you some history and also ideas for your leap year proposal.
A leap year comes around just once every four years, and is exciting for a number of reasons. There is one extra day in the year, and traditionally women can propose on this day without the drama that traditionally surrounds this issue. Proposing can be nerve wracking at the best of times so doing it on a leap year adds some fun and excitement to the occasion. 29 February 2020 happens to fall on a Saturday – making this year ideal for romantic weekends away, evenings out – and wedding proposals from you to him!
Origins of the Leap Year Proposal
It is said that an Irish nun, St Brigid of Kildare, asked St Patrick to let women propose as there were so many ladies waiting for a proposal from their beaus. St Patrick granted the wished and allowed women the opportunity to propose once every 4 years – on a leap year.
There are other theories and traditions too. In some countries 29th February has been renamed bachelor’s day because of the tradition. In past times the man was expected to buy the woman a gift if he refused – it was originally a silk gown. By the mid 20th century the gift was a fur coat. In Finland if the man declines the marriage proposal he is required to purchase enough fabric to make a skirt.
It has also been said that in Scotland the proposer had to wear a red petticoat to warn the intended that she was about to pop the question.

Leap Year Wedding Proposal Ideas
If you are keen to splash out and treat your loved one, why not book a long weekend or holiday to one of Queensland’s tropical island resorts? You may even come back for your honeymoon to see all the sites you have missed.
There are many other romantic locations such as the Great Ocean Road, the wineries in South Australia, or one of the country’s beautiful national parks or beaches.
If you are an outdoorsy couple you might choose to pop the question after a romantic picnic or hike, while hot air ballooning, on a horse riding trail, or after your favourite sports game.
A romantic restaurant that has significant memories for you as a couple can be very intimate and romantic.
An intimate setting is a more romantic setting to promosoe than say – a party or concert.
And if you are too nervous to say the words why not write them down? A note in a book, or in the sand at the beach, is super sweet and speaks volumes.
Engagement Present
Get him a gift! It doesn’t have to be jewellery, although mangagement rings are a thing. A watch, necklace, or bracelet could accompany your proposal, or anything else that he dearly loves. And remember that all things being equal – guys can say no too! Be confident that he will be happy for you to propose before you do.
We would love to hear about your leap year wedding proposal. Tag us in your pics on our social media profiles – @melbournebridalexpos on Facebook & Instagram.